Why are Ragdolls so expensive?

The financial burden of breeders is not so well-known. Purebred Ragdolls of breeding and show quality cost more. We at Baby Blues personally paid between $4-5k PER CAT for our kings and queens. Expenses, veterinary needs are high, we travel to shows, belong to breed clubs (pay for pedigrees and so many other things), and must be prepared for pay for any vet emergencies. We have websites, advertising, health testing, and providing everything our cats need.

Stud service is not in the best interest of our Queens (too much risk of disease), and artificial insemination isn’t really used in cats. We must purchase a new King/Queen on a regular basis. To purchase a new breeder cat/kitten to replace one retiring, cost is upwards of $3-5K within the US, double or triple that if overseas. That could be 50-200% of the cost of an entire litter!

There is always a chance a delivery goes wrong and a mama needs emergency care. Emergency c-sections are $2,500-$3,000.

Our ultimate goal is healthy and well socialized kittens, adhering to the Ragdoll breed standard, & improvement of the breed.